Tuesday, February 28, 2012

There's Something in the Skies.

There's something strange in the skies of  Acton, Mass. It has been claim to have been a reflectived, black tube-shaped object that was traveling in an easterly direction. The person that seen this UFO was headed west on Route 2.

More on this click here -->HERE

I do have a take on this. While it is something. I just don't think it is something from another world. What do you make of it?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Please allow me to address.....

There has been a lot of fake videos on the net that are getting plays, but they are not real UFO sightings. If they were, you would not have to see them on youtube, they would flood your television sets.....thank you.

See here for what I am talking about. --> HERE

However, I do think the makers of this could have a find work very easy in Hollywood. It looks better than some of the movies I seen that were SciFi movies.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

UFO's and USO's

The report from mail-online seems to me to be a hoax. But you be the judge. -->HERE 

A little information on USO- (Unidentified Submerged Objects)-->HERE

How much of this is real? What are your thoughts? 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great things happen this past weekend.....in UFO World

McNair Ezzard spoke this pasted weekend on space people being real and how they have visited earth more often than imagined. I personally do not agree with the "WHY THEY ARE HERE" he claims, I do however, agree to them being real. Your story is-->HERE 

Could there be an alien base under Mexican Volcano? Your Story is --> HERE

David Murphy, a 53-year-old contractor from Carmel claims he saw something. It's a very interesting story, but I think he may have seen more of some kind of government testing. You tell me what do you think he saw? Your story is --> HERE

Thursday, February 16, 2012

More Fake UFO's....come on people....get a REAL ONE......

UFO Explodes And Crashes In South Carolina? Really? Was was this NOT all over the News? Truth be told, it was nothing, it was an IFO Identified Flying Object. You can read the story here --> HERE

There has been a fake video going on around the net ..... I think people do this for the hits to their site, not really sure. If you have some time to kill and want a good laugh have a look. --> HERE

That's about it for today? Have you seen or know someone that has seen a UFO?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

UFO's back in the News, and back in our skies

A sliver looking UFO was seen in the Michigan Sky. There is no audio on the video other than the wind. It does look strange nevertheless. Click here --> HERE

What do you think it is ? Is this a real UFO? Or a hoax?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

About 10 % Of UFO Sightings Are Real

A crazy colored looking UFO is seen over Edmonton. Could be anything, I am more sure it is not something from another world. What do you think it is ? Click here --> HERE

Kath Perry claims to have seen an UFO. (Am not a fan) When you read the story, you find out there is nothing there it is a new sky diving stunt. Its things like this that create the problem with real UFO movement.

Just in case you still want to read --> HERE

Eisenhower had a secret meeting with Aliens. I think this story has more creditability. Have a read. --> HERE

What are you thoughts?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

UFO Sightings On The Rise.

A Triangle looking UFO was seen in Pennsylvania. It was claimed to be a  triangle-shaped object with three bright, white lights just 20 feet away and about 30 feet in the air that quickly disappeared behind a house.


Four Minnesota witnesses at two locations watched a red light illuminating the ground below it move through a small, rural neighborhood, until it turned into a white light and slowly drifted away.


A Texas couple driving near El Paso report watching a silent, bright light and following it after the object could not be identified.


What is one to make of all this? Have you seen these? Do you know someone that has? Why is there so much sightings theses days? Your thoughts are welcomed.

Friday, February 10, 2012

UFO In The News

The Beak has reported on the possible sightings of a UFO in Sweden.

The Huliq has reported a strange looking box of some sort. The report has giving off a lot of reviews, from "the boxes could be from drug drop offs"," boxes could be placed intentionally to help soften Volcanic activity off the West Coast of Oregon". and then there's this one.... " Maybe they are coming up from the ground for whatever reason, and are just a small part of a much larger object."

In any case, people are interested..... have a look. What do you think it is?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

More UFO Talk In The News.

The Canadian National News reports that 'we' have lack of control over our own planet.

Link here. -> HERE

There are lots of questions to this report that start off with "What does it mean" that it almost broads me. The answer is simple, it really means they don't want us to know the 'TRUTH' and I am not talking about a Hollywood movie either.

We all know that there is something, but what it is, or why they have so much interest is us should be the questions.

Your thoughts, why do you think they are here? Why do they have so much interest in us?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

UFO Activity

Interesting UFO talk from all over the world. Have a look. How much of it is a hoax, real, or your just not sure?

Radio spots tell stories of forgotten New Mexicans, UFO-spotting

UFO Sighted In Yanceyville

Another Triangle UFO Spotted in Seattle 

 There seems to be a lot of activity going on. Click the links above and tell me what you think it is or is not.



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Sun Reports on UFO Mystery

A new video has come out from London on what seems to be a blinking orb. The clip is about 53 seconds, not really a lot of time to make out if it is, or is not "Visitors" from another place. The image is very far away, and it was at max zoom.

Do you think it is real or a hoax? Why or Why not?

Link to the video, and story is here. CLICK ME FOR STORY